Saturday, August 21, 2010

Is there any herb for Nail fungus?

Nail fungus can be embarrassing, especially during warmer weather when bare feet and open-toed shoes are the norm. Zetaclear is an all natural product specifically developed to treat the underlying cause of unsightly nails - without the risks and high costs of prescription medications. there any herb for Nail fungus?
tea tree oil , use bleach soap foot 4 time day footIs there any herb for Nail fungus?
Use ';tea tree'; oil from Australia all around the skin next to the nail. Practically soak it. Do it once a day until the entire nail grows out. You can see clean new nail growing in but don't stop till the whole nail grows out!
Well, there's definitely a natural supplement.

Acidophilus. You want to get the stuff at the health food store that is still refridgerated, and keep it in the fridge at home. You can get acidophilus when you eat yogurt, but it is much better to take it in a capsule since it's more concentrated. Take it 2 or 3 times a day and that should really help. Acidophilus kills any type of fungus. Also, you can open up the capsule, mix it with a little cold water and hold your fingers in the water for a few minutes... or just rub the mixture into your nails. All fungus has a 12-hour life cycle, so if you do this twice a day (every 12 hours) you should disrupt the cycle and prevent the fungus from growing.... which should get rid of it a lot faster.

Good luck!
try Vicks Vapor Rub, not a herb, but assumed

1 comment:

TaurenChieftain said...

yeah you can try vicks.. but im not sure if it works.. but if you want a product that really works try zeta clear.. im sure it works..

to know more on how to treat a yellow toenail..
you can check this out:
how to treat yellow toenail

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